Thursday, July 2, 2009

the happenings of another week in Paris...


First, I bring you to Musée Rodin, a museum dedicated entirely to the sculptor, Auguste Rodin. We went with our art history class...enjoy!

Le Penseur (The Thinker), amidst some shrubbery

the museum itself, we started out in the beautiful garden...

His most magnificent work, La Porte de l'Enfer, The Gates of Hell, combines several miniature versions of his other sculptures (like The Kiss and The Thinker). It depicts a scene from Dante's Inferno.

a closer can see The Thinker in the center.

view of the garden, Ugolino, and Les Invalides, in the background

a better look at Ugolino (and his children)

looking back at the museum...and apparently Ugolino's derrière...

Monument de Balzac

Le Penseur up close

Le Penseur, view from the front

Le Baiser (The Kiss)

He liked sculpting hands. Oh, and these last couple shots don't do justice to this works. You just have to see them in person and be able to see them from all angles.

The President's house:

very well guarded, as you can see.

The famous university, La Sorbonne

more Sorbonne buildings

and again...

gorgeous sunset that evening...oh look, there's the Eiffel Tower! No big deal.

Le Panthéon

statue/fountain of Saint Michel (Michael)

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