Tuesday, July 14, 2009

More typical Parisian tidbits to go around...


Below you will find more pictures from Paris...yes, I'm really behind. What else is new?

Anyway, first, there are the pictures from when we actually went INSIDE the Louvre! Yes, I finally went in the big building that I have a million pictures from the outside!

the upside down pyramid!


side view

La Joconde
(I've never understood this translation, but nonetheless, she's rather underwhelming, to be honest...)

Les Mysteres de la Passion du Christ
...a bit trippy, I thought.

L'Odalisque (by Ingres)
We learned about this in my Impressionism class! Yes, I'm a dork...

Le Venus de Milo (Aphrodite)

...and me!

Le Sphinge...as our art teacher would insist...she's feminine, not masculine (thus, not a Sphinx)

my favorite parts of the Louvre, the rooms of statues...wonderful :-)

THE Code of Hammurabi

...the butt shot. I couldn't resist.

Now, we move to the famous, Moulin Rouge. Don't get too excited, it's not as glorious as in the movie, but we thought it was worth a photo-op.

My friend from high school, Annie, just arrived that night for her Paris program!

the famous cafe, Le Chat Noir

The area around the Moulin Rouge is FULL of sex shops, another reason not to be overly enthusiastic about the area. Nonetheless, it's kind of entertaining to count how many there are as you walk down the street.

Once again, another area I've already posted pictures of, Notre Dame. However, here are more details of the interior and exterior...

Monday, July 6, 2009

Monet's old stomping grounds: Giverny!

Mom, this one's for you...you would love this place.

A few Fridays ago, we took another day trip with IES. This time, we ventured out to Giverny, where impressionist painter, Claude Monet, used to live. There, we visited his house, his gardens, and a museum dedicated to him. I don't have any pictures of the inside of his house (we weren't allowed to take any), but hopefully all of the lovely scenery will suffice. :-)

first glimpse of the house

the famous Japanese bridge Monet painted in one of his series

a better shot of the bridge

les nympheas!!! (the lillypads he painted in his famous Nympheas series)

Monet's house

the restaurant where we had lunch